Java Reference
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Its purpose is simple: to store the id of the draggable element. Notice the use of this in . When
you register an event listener, the handler function executes within the context of the element object the
event fired on. In this case, the dragstart event fired on one of the draggable elements; so, this refers
to that element. In other words, this is the same as .
The next function is handleDragEnterLeave() , and as mentioned earlier, it executes when the
dragenter and dragleave events fire on a drop target:
function handleDragEnterLeave(e) {
if (e.type == "dragenter") {
this.className = "drag-enter";
} else {
this.className = "";
The first line of this function checks the type of event that occurred. If the event is dragenter , the
CSS class of the drop target element is set to drag‐enter (once again, notice this is used instead of —it's much easier to type). If the event isn't dragenter , the element's CSS class is set to an
empty string, thus removing the drag‐enter class.
The final function, handleOverDrop() , performs the real magic of the drag‐and‐drop operation. This
function handles both the dragover and drop events and should therefore prevent the default action
from occurring. Thus, the first line of the function calls e.preventDefault() :
function handleOverDrop(e) {
This is all that is needed for the dragover event. So, if the event isn't a drop event, the function simply exits:
if (e.type != "drop") {
If it is a drop event, the function continues on and retrieves the draggable element's id from the
DataTransfer object:
var draggedId = e.dataTransfer.getData("text");
var draggedEl = document.getElementById(draggedId);
And with this id , you retrieve the draggable element's object with document.getElementById() and
store it in the draggedEl variable.
You have two options when it comes to dropping one of the draggable boxes: you can either drop it
in the target it's currently in, or you can drop it in another target. If dropped in its current location,
there's nothing left to do except reset the target's CSS class. This is easy enough to check; simply use the
element's parentNode property:
if (draggedEl.parentNode == this) {
this.className = "";
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