Java Reference
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Using the Event Models of Differing Browsers
trY it out
In this Try It Out, you will rewrite ch10_example12.html using your event utility. Open your text
editor and type the following. Feel free to copy and paste the elements within the body and the style
sheet from ch10_example12.html .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chapter 10: Example 16</title>
.underline {
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;
<p>This is paragraph 1.</p>
<p>This is paragraph 2.</p>
<p>This is paragraph 3.</p>
<script src="event‐utility.js"></script>
function handleEvent(e) {
var target = evt.getTarget(e);
var type = e.type;
if (target.tagName == "P") {
if (type == "mouseover") {
target.className = "underline";
} else if (type == "mouseout") {
target.className = "";
if (type == "click") {
alert("You clicked the mouse button at the X:"
+ e.clientX + " and Y:" + e.clientY + " coordinates");
evt.addListener(document, "mouseover", handleEvent);
evt.addListener(document, "mouseout", handleEvent);
evt.addListener(document, "click", handleEvent);
Save this as ch10_example16.html , and load it into different browsers (preferably a standards‐compliant
browser and old‐IE, if you have access to one). It'll look and behave exactly like ch10_example12.html ;
the paragraph text will change to red and have an underline as you move your mouse pointer over the
paragraphs. When your mouse pointer leaves a paragraph, the text returns to the original state. When
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