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function handle() {
This code assigns the handle() function to handle the <p/> element's dblclick event. When the
function executes, it gets the type of event that caused the handle() function's execution. Because
the event object is global, there is no need to pass the object to the handling function like the DOM
event model. Also note that like other properties of the window object, it's not required that you
precede the event object with window .
Note Even though you don't have to pass event to an event handler, you still
want to do so in order to support both old‐IE and modern browsers.
The same holds true when you assign event handlers through JavaScript using object properties:
<p id="p">Paragraph</p>
<h1 id="h1">Heading 1</h1>
<span id="span">Special Text</span>
function handle() {
if (event.type == "mouseover") {
alert("You moved over the Special Text");
document.getElementById("p").ondblclick = handle;
document.getElementById("h1").onclick = handle;
document.getElementById("span").onmouseover = handle;
Old‐IE does not support addEventListener() and removeEventListener() , but it does implement
two similar methods: attachEvent() and detachEvent() . Rewrite Example 5 using old‐IE's event
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chapter 10, Example 10</title>
<a id="someLink" href="somepage.html">
Click Me
var link = document.getElementById("someLink");
function linkClick(e) {
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