Java Reference
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The function accepts the MouseEvent object and assigns it the reference e :
function handleEvent(e) {
var target =;
var type = e.type;
if (target.tagName == "P") {
Inside the function, the first thing you do is initialize the target and type variables with the target
and type event properties, respectively. These are convenience variables to make accessing that
information easier. You then check if the event target (the element that caused the event) has a tagName
of P . If the target is a paragraph element, the next bit of information you need to find is what kind of
event took place by using the type variable:
if (type == "mouseover") {
target.className = "underline";
} else if (type == "mouseout") {
target.className = "";
If the event is a mouseover , the paragraph's CSS class is assigned the underline class defined in the
page's style sheet. If the event type is mouseout , the element's className property is cleared, which
returns the text to its original style. This style‐changing code runs only if the element that caused the
event is a paragraph element.
Next, the function determines if the user clicked his mouse by again checking the type variable:
if (type == "click") {
alert("You clicked the mouse button at the X:"
+ e.clientX + " and Y:" + e.clientY + " coordinates");
If the user did indeed click somewhere in the page, you use the alert() method to display the contents
of the clientX and clientY properties of the MouseEvent object on the screen.
The MouseEvent object supplied to this function is overwritten and re‐created every time you generate
an event, so the next time you click the mouse or move the pointer, it creates a new MouseEvent object
containing the coordinates for the x and y positions and the information on the element that caused the
event to fire.
Let's look at another example.
a Crude tab Strip
trY it out
In this Try It Out, you will write a functional, yet flawed, tab strip using the mouseover , mouseout ,
and click events. Open your text editor and type the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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