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listener on the target on which it's called. You call it on a target/element object, as you see in the
following example. Type in the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chapter 10, Example 5</title>
<a id="someLink" href="somepage.html">
Click Me
var link = document.getElementById("someLink");
link.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
alert("This link is going nowhere");
Save this as ch10_example5.html . This is a re‐creation of ch10_example3.html , but it uses
the standard event model application programming interface (API), which is a set of objects,
properties, and methods, to register an event listener and prevent the default action of a link from
The first line of JavaScript retrieves the element that has an id of someLink , and stores it in the link
variable. You then call the addEventListener() method and pass it two arguments. The first is the
name of the event without the "on" prefix. In this example, an event listener is registered for the
click event.
The second argument is the function that executes when the event occurs. The previous code uses
an anonymous function, a common pattern that you'll see very often, but it's more useful to pass a
declared function, like this:
function linkClick() {
alert("This link is going nowhere");
link.addEventListener("click", linkClick);
Using a declared function lets you reuse it for multiple event listeners, as you see in the next exercise.
But first, notice that linkClick() no longer returns false ; instead, it calls the preventDefault()
method on the Event object. This is the standard way that you prevent the default action from
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