Java Reference
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In the first line of the function, you set the newImgNumber variable to a random integer between 0
and 3 :
function changeImg(that) {
var newImgNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 3);
The Math.random() method provides a random number between 0 and 1 , and you multiply that by
three to get a number between 0 and 3 . This number is rounded to the nearest whole number ( 0 , 1 , 2 ,
or 3 ) by means of Math.round() . This integer provides the index for the image src that you will select
from the myImages array.
The next lines are a while loop, the purpose of which is to ensure that you don't select the same
image as the current one. If the string contained in myImages[newImgNumber] is found inside the
src property of the current image, you know it's the same and that you need to get another random
number. You keep looping until you get a new image, at which point myImages[newImgNumber] will
not be found in the existing src , and ‐1 will be returned by the indexOf() method, breaking out of
the loop:
while (that.src.indexOf(myImages[newImgNumber]) != -1) {
newImgNumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 3);
Next, you set the src property of the img object to the new value contained in your myImages array:
that.src = myImages[newImgNumber];
You connect the onclick event of the first <img/> element to the changeImg() function:
<img src="usa.gif" onclick="changeImg(this)" />
And now to the second <img/> element:
<img src="mexico.gif" onclick="changeImg(this)" />
Passing this in the changeImg() function gives the function direct access to this <img/> element's
corresponding object. When you pass this to an HTML element's attribute event handler, the
corresponding object of that element is passed to the function. It's a nice, clean way of accessing the
element's object in your JavaScript code.
This example had you pass this as an argument to the function handling the element's click event.
This is a simple and easy way of accessing the element that received the event, but there's a far more
useful object you can pass: an Event object that contains all the information about the event.
Passing the Event object is very simple to do; simply pass event instead of this . For example, in the
following code the <p/> element will raise a dblclick event:
<p ondblclick="handle(event)">Paragraph</p>
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