Java Reference
In-Depth Information
String Manipulation
What You Will learn in this Chapter:
Using the String object's advanced methods to manipulate strings
Matching substrings follow a specific pattern
Validating useful pieces of information, such as telephone numbers,
e‐mail addresses, and postal codes
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In Chapter 5 you looked at the String object, which is one of the native objects that
JavaScript makes available to you. You saw a number of its properties and methods, including
the following:
length —The length of the string in characters
charAt() and charCodeAt() —The methods for returning the character or character
code at a certain position in the string
indexOf() and lastIndexOf() —The methods that allow you to search a string for
the existence of another string and that return the character position of the string if
substr() and substring() —The methods that return just a portion of a string
toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() —The methods that return a string converted to
upper‐ or lowercase
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