Java Reference
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Every function object has a prototype property, but it is only useful for constructor functions.
You can think of the Person.prototype property as an actual prototype for Person objects. Any
properties and methods you assign to Person.prototype are usable on all Person objects. In fact,
they're more than usable—they're shared!
The functions assigned to Person.prototype.getFullName and Person.prototype.greet
are shared between all objects, or instances, of Person . This means that the function object of
one Person object's getFullName is the exact same function object on another Person object's
getFullName . To express that in code:
var areSame = person1.getFullName == person2.getFullName; // true
But why were firstName and lastName assigned in the constructor instead of Person.prototype ?
The firstName and lastName properties are called instance data . Instance data is unique to each
individual object, or instance. So because firstName and lastName are instance data, we define
them in the constructor—they shouldn't be shared between all Person objects.
Creating and using reference type instances
You create instances of your reference type in the same way you created instances of JavaScript's
built‐in types: using the new keyword. So to create a new instance of Person , you'd write this:
var johnDoe = new Person("John", "Doe");
var janeDoe = new Person("Jane", "Doe");
Here, as with a Date object, you have created two new objects and stored them in variables,
johnDoe and janeDoe , but this time it's a new object based on the Person type.
Note The use of the new keyword is very important when creating an object
with a constructor. The browser does not throw an error if you do not use the
new keyword, but your script will not work correctly. Instead of creating a new
object, you actually add properties to the global window object. The problems
caused by not using the new keyword can be hard to diagnose, so make sure
you specify the new keyword when creating objects with a constructor.
You use these objects just like you did in ch5 _ example8.html . In the following code, Jane Doe
greets John Doe:
Even though getFullName() and greet() are defined on Person.prototype , you still call them like
normal methods. JavaScript is intelligent enough to look at Person.prototype for those methods.
Now for the million dollar question: Why define a reference type instead of creating plain, but
custom, objects? It's a valid question. Both the objects created in ch5 _ example8.html and from the
Person constructor serve the same purpose: to represent an individual person. The main difference
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