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Save this page as ch5_example8.html . When you load the page into a web browser, it displays the
message: "Hello, Jane Doe. I'm John Doe" .
First, this code creates a function called createPerson() that accepts a person's first and last names as
parameters. This function creates an object with the person's first and last names using object literal notation:
function createPerson(firstName, lastName) {
return {
The first property created is the firstName property, and it is assigned the value of the firstName
firstName: firstName,
Next is the lastName property, which receives its value from the createPerson() function's lastName
lastName: lastName,
Then a method called getFullName() is created. Its purpose is to return the first and last name of the
person to the caller:
getFullName: function() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName
This method uses the this variable to access this object's firstName and lastName properties. Note
that the this variable is the only way to retrieve these properties—the object doesn't have a name; it is
an anonymous object that is created and then returned to the caller.
The final method of this object is greet() . It accepts another person object as a parameter and uses its
getFullName() in order to greet that person:
greet: function(person) {
alert("Hello, " + person.getFullName() +
". I'm " + this.getFullName());
The next two lines create two objects two represent two individual people:
var johnDoe = createPerson("John", "Doe");
var janeDoe = createPerson("Jane", "Doe");
Notice the absence of the new keyword. The createPerson() function is not a constructor function (you
learn how to write constructor functions later). It's simply a function that creates and returns an object.
Finally, John Doe greets Jane Doe by calling the greet() method and passing the janeDoe object to it:
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