Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Just change the break statement to a continue . You will still get a message about the invalid data,
but the third value will also be converted.
In this chapter you continued your look at the core of the JavaScript language and its syntax.
The chapter looked at the following:
Decision making with the if and switch statements: The ability to make decisions is essen-
tially what gives the code its “intelligence.” Based on whether a condition is true or false ,
you can decide on a course of action to follow.
Comparison operators: The comparison operators compare the value on the left of the opera-
tor (left‐hand side, LHS) with the value on the right of the operator (right‐hand side, RHS)
and return a boolean value. Here is a list of the main comparison operators:
== means “is the LHS equal to the RHS?”
!= means “is the LHS not equal to the RHS?”
<= means “is the LHS less than or equal to the RHS?”
>= means “is the LHS greater than or equal to the RHS?”
< means “is the LHS less than the RHS?”
> means “is the LHS greater than the RHS?”
The if statement: Using the if statement, you can choose to execute a block of code (defined
by being in curly braces) when a condition is true . The if statement has a test condition,
specified in parentheses. If this condition evaluates to true , the code after the if statement
will execute.
The else statement: If you want code to execute when the if statement is false , you can
use the else statement that appears after the if statement.
Logical operators: To combine conditions, you can use the three logical operators: AND , OR ,
and NOT , represented by && , || , and ! , respectively:
The AND operator returns true only if both sides of the expression are true .
The OR operator returns true when either one or both sides of an expression are
true .
The NOT operator reverses the logic of an expression.
The switch statement: This compares the result of an expression with a series of possible
cases and is similar in effect to a multiple if statement.
Looping with for , for . . . in , while , and do . . . while : It's often necessary to repeat a block
of code a number of times, something JavaScript enables by looping.
The for loop: Useful for looping through code a certain number of times, the for
loop consists of three parts: the initialization, test condition, and increment parts.
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