Java Reference
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alert("Test Variable is " + testVariable);
if (testVariable = 10) {
alert("The last loop");
See if you can spot the deliberate mistake that leads to an infinite loop—yes, it's the
if if statement that will cause this code to go on forever. Instead of using == as the comparison
operator in the condition of the if statement, you put = , so testVariable is set to 10 again in
each loop, despite the line testVariable++ . This means that at the start of each loop, the test
condition always evaluates to true , because 10 is less than or equal to 10. Put the extra = in to make
if (testVariable == 10) , and everything is fine.
the do . . . while loop
With the while loop, you saw that the code inside the loop only executes if the condition is true ;
if it's false , the code never executes, and execution instead moves to the first line after the while
loop. However, there may be times when you want the code in the while loop to execute at least
once, regardless of whether the condition in the while statement evaluates to true . It might even be
that some code inside the while loop needs to be executed before you can test the while statement's
condition. It's situations like this for which the do . . . while loop is ideal.
Look at an example in which you want to get the user's age via a prompt box. You want to show the
prompt box but also make sure that what the user has entered is a number:
var userAge;
do {
userAge = prompt("Please enter your age","")
} while (isNaN(userAge) == true);
The code line within the loop:
userAge = prompt("Please enter your age","")
will be executed regardless of the while statement's condition. This is because the condition is not
checked until one loop has been executed. If the condition is true , the code is looped through again.
If it's false , looping stops.
Note that within the while statement's condition, you are using the isNaN() function that you saw
in Chapter 2. This checks whether the userAge variable's value is NaN (Not a Number). If it is not
a number, the condition returns a value of true ; otherwise, it returns false . As you can see from
the example, it enables you to test the user input to ensure the right data has been entered. The user
might lie about his age, but at least you know he entered a number!
The do . . . while loop is fairly rare; there's not much you can't do without it, so it's best avoided
unless really necessary.
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