Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Treaty of Saragossa revises the Tordesillas
agreement by conceding the Philippine
Islands to Spain, although Portugal re-
tains control of the Spice Islands and the
rest of its trading empire in Asia.
Treaty of Cambrai marks a temporary cessa-
tion of war between Spain and France,
although it will be resumed at intervals
for the next 30 years. Meanwhile Charles
I must deal with the ongoing Turkish
threat to Spanish dominance in North Af-
rica and the western Mediterranean. In
addition he is obliged to cope with the
spread of the Reformation (religious war
in the Holy Roman Empire, 1531-47) and
a separate Turkish threat to the southeast-
ern frontier of the Holy Roman Empire.
Worn out by the burden of his multiple re-
sponsibilities and the struggle to maintain
Spanish dominance throughout Europe,
Charles I abdicates, passing the Holy
Roman Empire to his brother (Austrian
Habsburg line). Spain, with all its posses-
sions in Europe and overseas, goes to his
son (Spanish Habsburg line). Charles dies
in 1558.
Philip II, king of Spain, will spend his reign
attempting to succeed where his father
failed: defeating France, repulsing the
Turks, and halting the spread of Protes-
Portuguese fort is established at Macao on
the coast of China, opening a commercial
and colonial presence that will endure for
more than 400 years.
Beginning of first serious attempts by Por-
tugal to colonize its territory in Brazil.
Francisco Pizarro, setting out from Panama,
lands on the coast of Peru and conquers
the Inca Empire. Subsequent exploration
and conquest will establish Spanish dom-
ination over all of South America (Vice-
royalty of Peru) except Portuguese-ruled
Sebastian I, king of Portugal, grandson of
John III, is a minor, who reigns under a
regency until he comes of age. Obsessed
with the idea of a crusade against the
Moors, he assembles an army that drains
the human and material resources of his
country and takes it into Morocco.
First Portuguese contact with Japan.
With the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis the
wars of Italy end in the defeat of France.
Spain emerges as the supreme power in
Bahia is founded as seat of government for
Brazil. Jesuit missionaries arrive to un-
dertake the conversion of the native pop-
ulation; they will play an important part
in the expansion and consolidation of
Portuguese rule.
Madrid becomes the permanent capital of
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