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His topics, including De trinitatis erroribus
(On the errors of the Trinity, 1531), Dialogo-
rum de Trinitate (Dialogues on the Trinity,
1532), and Christianismi restitutio (Restora-
tion of Christianity, 1553), provoked increas-
ing outrage, as did even those writings that
dealt with medical matters. In June 1553 he
was arrested by French ecclesiastical author-
ities, and some of his writings were burned
publicly. Serveto, anticipating a similar fate
for himself, managed to escape from France.
However, with the recklessness that had
always characterized his decisions, he chose
to flee to Geneva, where his worst enemy,
Calvin, exercised a virtual theocratic dicta-
torship. In a final act of bravado, he entered
a church where Calvin was preaching. The
latter pointed him out to local officials, and
Serveto was imprisoned and tried for her-
esy. It appears that the judges found the
prisoner more reasonable and persuasive
than they had expected and were on the
point of releasing him when Calvin inter-
vened to introduce new evidence and pre-
cipitate a death sentence. Spain's arch
heretic was burned at the stake on a hill in
Geneva on October 27, 1553.
Seville (Sevilla)
The capital of Spain's southern region,
A NDALUSIA , Seville is an ancient city with a
San Telmo Palace in Seville (Getty)
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