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enjoy a remarkable career in the inter-
twined worlds of Spanish politics and mili-
tary life. Following the overthrow of the
E SPARTERO regency in 1843 Serrano gained
an increasing ascendancy over the young
queen I SABELLA II, attaining promotions in
both the army and the legislature, with
their relationship becoming the object of
scandalous rumors. After a series of intrigues
Serrano emerged as an ally of L EOPOLDO
O'D ONNELL when the latter seized control
of the government in 1856. Having served
as ambassador in Paris, Serrano was made
captain general of C UBA in 1860 and while
in that post brought about the reoccupa-
tion of Santo Domingo (D OMINICAN R EPUB -
LIC ) by Spain. For those services Serrano
was created duque de la Torre after his
return home.
Taking the leadership of the Liberal
Union Party following the death of his col-
league O'Donnell, Serrano plunged into a
new round of political maneuvers that led
to his banishment to the C ANARY I SLANDS ,
from which he escaped to lead an insurrec-
tion in 1868 against Isabella. Following the
deposition of the queen, Serrano became
successively head of the provisional gov-
ernment, regent of the realm, and prime
minister after the new ruler, A MADEO I,
took the throne in 1871.
Although Serrano would continue to
play a prominent part in Spanish public
life during the 1870s, the ultimate restora-
tion of the Bourbons in 1875 marked the
beginning of his eclipse. His previous
maneuvers, regarded by some as patriotic
initiatives and others as opportunistic
treachery, suggested to A LFONSO XII that it
was time for the general's retirement. In
an era when army leaders kept the coun-
try in almost perpetual turmoil, few could
compare with Serrano in his perennial
readiness to make the destiny of Spain
conform to his own desires.
Serveto, Miguel (Michael Servetus)
Spanish theologian and physician
Born at Villanueva in N AVARRE , this most
celebrated Spanish “heretic” of the Refor-
mation era was variously known as Miguel
Servet, Michael Servetus, and Michel Vil-
lenueve, his pseudonym. He came of a
well-to-do family and was able to pursue
studies in theology, medicine, and law in
France, after mastering Latin, Greek, and
Hebrew in Spain. Appointed secretary to
the confessor of C HARLES I (Holy Roman
Emperor Charles V), he also spent time in
Germany, where he met prominent leaders
of the Protestant Reformation. A stay in
Switzerland stimulated his interest in radi-
cal religious ideas but earned him the hos-
tility of local reformers. He returned to
France in 1536 and earned a doctorate in
medicine. Most of his time thereafter was
spent in France practicing as a physician,
editing editions of learned works, and writ-
ing the excursions into heretical theology
that earned him his greatest fame.
An audacious thinker who pursued his
philological speculations wherever they
took him, Serveto became an anti-Trinitar-
ian who denied the divinity of Christ and
published a treatise on a whole series of
other “errors” that he found in Christian-
ity. He did not hesitate to quarrel, in per-
son or in writing, with all the leading
personalities in both Catholic and Protes-
tant theology. Calvin, in particular, was
the object of his scorn and became his
implacable enemy.
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