Travel Reference
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Despite the impact of terrorism upon
their society the Basque have sustained a
prosperous economy with its industrial base
in the area around B ILBAO . They have also
safeguarded their love of liberty, individual-
ism, and (even though Franco banned
Basque-language publications) a distinct lit-
erary tradition. Cheerful, energetic, and for
the most part opposed to extremism, the
Basque still hope to preserve their special
place in Europe despite the currents of uni-
fication moving across the continent.
guaranteed him a posthumous reputation
that has grown with time. Bécquer's major
poetical works are included in the 80 or so
lyrics of Rimas ( Rhymes ). Continuing themes
in Rimas include his striving to achieve pure
poetry of form and image and his frustra-
tion over the inability to attain perfect love.
The prose writings contained in Leyendas
( Legends ) are set in a world of golden moon-
light, vine-covered castles, and vague loca-
tions in which tragic figures pursue their
dreamlike destinies.
Bécquer is now regarded as one of Spain's
finest poets, whose evocations of poignant
longing represent a lyric romanticism that
some critics find to be, in fact, a new depar-
ture in poetry. Many 20th-century writers
have proclaimed their admiration of him
and acknowledge him as their inspiration.
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo (Gustavo
Adolfo Domínguez Bastida)
Spanish poet
Born in S EVILLE and orphaned at an early
age, Bécquer, who later adopted an old
family name by which he is known, aban-
doned an unpromising apprenticeship in
art to seek a literary career in M ADRID . In
the capital he acquired a wife and several
children but earned only a precarious living
and a reputation as a poet that was limited
to publication in newspapers. In retrospect
Bécquer would be seen as the most tragic,
as well as the last, of the romantic school.
Unlike J OSÉ DE E SPRONCEDA who was full of
activity and bravado, Bécquer was thwarted
by domestic unhappiness, a failed love
affair, and deteriorating health. Some of his
most admired work was produced during a
prolonged residence in a monastery during
the 1860s where he evidently found the
tranquillity and relief from the consump-
tion that haunted him. His poems and sto-
ries were collected and published in book
form only after his early death through a
subscription raised by friends and admirers
who had not been able to save his life but
Belalcázar, Sebastián de
Spanish explorer and conqueror
An early participant in the conquest of the
New World, Belalcázar accompanied C HRIS -
TOPHER C OLUMBUS on his third voyage
(1498) and participated in the occupation
of Darien and N ICARAGUA . He then took
part in the conquest of P ERU under F RAN -
CISCO P IZARRO (1532) and established con-
trol over present-day E CUADOR by capturing
Quito and founding Guayaquil. He subse-
quently marched into the southwestern
part of what is now C OLOMBIA , where he
founded the city of Cali in the course of
searching for the fabulous El Dorado. After-
ward he became embroiled in a three-sided
dispute with rival conquistadores G ONZALO
MANN , an argument that was not resolved
until all three had returned to Spain to set-
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