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The paper has proposed a two-stage gene selection algorithm for microarray
data with small samples and variant correlation. The L 2 -norm penalty are firstly
introduced to achieve the grouping effect for the highly correlated genes. By using
the augmented data technique, an augmented data set can be then produced.
The most informative genes can be selected effectively by the proposed two-
stage algorithm. Compared with the popular Elastic Net method, the proposed
TSGS method demonstrates the better results. The identified gene clusters may
provide a chance for the exploratory analysis of microarray data.
Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank the Research Councils
UK under grant EP/G042594/1, the National Science Foundation of China
(61074032, 60834002, 51007052, 61104089), Science and Technology Commis-
sion of Shanghai Municipality (11ZR1413100), the innovation fund project for
Shanghai University.
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