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Thus, when the number of the clusters is small, the performance of the NNSC
and NMSC is almost same. However, in practice, there always exist much more
clusters in the data set, especially in the document corpora. From the perfor-
mance shown in the Figure 3, the proposed NMSC proves more acceptable than
the other methods in processing the multiple-cluster dataset.
4 Conclusions
In this paper, we have put forward non-negative mutative-sparseness coding as a
useful framework to explore hidden components and hierarchical representation
of data. Uncommonly, through constantly adjusting sparseness of the data in the
process of further analyzing respective bases, all the data can be well described
and grouped into proper clusters of multiple layers. In the experimental evalu-
ations, NMSC embodies its great eciency in clustering and sucient merit in
hierarchical representing documents. Then for practical application, NMSC will
help to boost the development of patent system, library system, etc. In addition,
towards future work, we also aim to test NMSC in other fields such as image
and audio processing.
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