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Algorithm 1. Extraction of main segments
S m : the set of all segments in the given trajectory
ε : the maximum acceptable differences between adjacent segments' angular values
Δ : the maximum acceptable differences between adjacent segments' acceleration val-
S n : the set of extracted main segments in the given trajectory
S a = S 1 ;
for S b ∈ S m do
if | ( S a ) θ ( S b ) θ | >ε or | ( S a ) a ( S b ) a | >Δ then
S b is another main segment;
S a = S b ; S b = S b +1 ;
S b is not one of main segments;
S b = S b +1 ;
end if
end for
Algorithm 2. Raw classification
H : the TDH set of all trajectories
D : the TDH distance set between all trajectories
d min :Themin d value between TDH for trajectories be allowed in one class
C L : the List of classes
Sort set D and choose the trajectories whose d ( distance between TDH ) are the
most small ones to be K centroid.
for H a ∈ H do
TempDis =0;
for i =1; i ≤ K ; i ++ do
if TempDis<d ( H a ,Cid i ) then
TempDis = d ( H a ,Cid i );
C a = i ;
end if
end for
if TempDis<d min then
K = K +1;
H a belongs to the new K th class;
Then H a belongs to the C a th class, m C a is the number of trajectories belongs
to Class ;
Cid C a =
m C a
m C a +1
m C a +1
Cid C a +
H a
m C a = m C a +1;
end if
end for
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