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If the central node h 4 and h 5 of the third layer still receive nodes without logi-
cal ID, then repeat the networking process, until all nodes get the logical ID and
are connected into the network. At last, the communication route of all nodes
within the network is established. Fig.2 shows the data frame format. Fra H,
Fra E are frame head and frame end. Src is data source address. Dest is desti-
nation address. Con is control indicator, 0, 1 mean query, control respectively.
Sta is status indicator, 0, 1 mean request, response respectively. Re1, Re2, Re n
are relay nodes. Data is communication data.
Fra_H Src
Re2 …… Re n
Data Fra_E
Fig. 2. Data frame format
2.3 An Example of Routing Algorithm
Single-phase in Fig.1 is consist of one BS and 36 terminal nodes. After artificial
cobweb initialization algorithm, the MAC layer of the network constitutes the
network structure in Fig.3. One broadcast of the BS is intercepted by 9 nodes,
and these 9 nodes will then respond to the BS one by one to get the logical ID.
The BS selects the node, of which the logical ID is 5, to be the central node of
the layer 1, at last these nodes are composed of a cobweb in the MAC layer.
The node, of which the logical ID is 5, continues to broadcast, and intercepted
by 15 nodes of different physical branches, which are distributed logical ID 10-
24. Node 5 selects the node of which the logical ID is 13 as the central node
for networking. In case the broadcast of this central node 13 is not intercepted
by nodes logical ID 17-24 in another branch, these nodes will send messages to
node 5. Node 5 will then reselect node 19 as the central node to complete the
networking of layer 2. Central node 13 and 19 search with the same algorithm
until the rest of the nodes get logical ID to complete the networking of layer
3. After completing the cobweb route initialization, each central node generates
a routing table to record the logical ID and layer of nodes in jurisdiction. The
peripheral nodes record the logical ID and layer of its own and the central node.
The complexity and length of the routing table is decided by the number of the
nodes and the layers in the network. Fig.4 shows the example of data frame
format. BS (address is 0) communicate with node 16 via the relay node 5 and
relay node 13, BS communicate with node 31 via the relay node 5, relay node
13 and relay node 28.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of ACRA, a simulation model has been
carried out by MATLAB. In the range of 100m
100m, 40 meter units randomly
distributed in this area constitute the tree topology of LVPLC, and there are no
isolated nodes in it, as shown in Fig.5. Assume that BS located in the center of
this area and was set as node1. The rest 39 nodes are the meters units distributed
in LV power line network.
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