Information Technology Reference
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1) When a networking broadcast is sent by the BS, assuming that it can only
be intercepted by nodes 1 to 9, which have a close physical distance to the BS.
These nodes send response to BS in turns and are assigned logical ID (1 to 9) by
BS. Broadcast from BS is received by nodes 1 to 9, which indicates that the link
in the physical range of these nodes is in good condition, and indicates that the
9 nodes can direct or indirect communicate with each other. BS selects a node
h 1 from these 9 nodes as the central node.
2) When node h 1 sends a broadcast, the rest 8 nodes receive the broadcast
and record the logical ID of h 1 (nodes without logical ID do not respond to the
broadcast), and send response to h 1 . Central node h 1 record the logical ID of
peripheral nodes to generate a routing table. The routing table will be sent to
BS. So that the artificial cobweb topology network of subnet 1 is completed and
records that the logical layer, where the 9 nodes locate, is layer 1.
3) Node h 1 sends a networking broadcast, assuming that the broadcast is
received by node 10-24, setting that the logical layer, where these nodes locate,
is layer 2. Repeat step 1), node h 1 assigns the logical ID and selects central
node h 2 . Assuming that h 2 is any one from node 10-16. h 2 sends a broadcast,
repeat step 2). Node 17-24, that locate in different branches, do not receive the
broadcast from h 2 or receive a broadcast in weak intensity due to the signal
attenuation. In this case, the composite index of signal strength β is introduced
to make further judgment.
If β h1 h2 , the composite index of signal strength from h 1 recorded by
node 10-16 is less than that from h 2 , repeat step 2), make h 2 as central node
to form a new network. If β h1 h2 or broadcast from h 2 is not received, node
17-24 send message to h 1 , repeat step 1), h 1 select a new central node h 3 from
these nodes to form a new cobweb network. We assume broadcast from h 2 is not
received by node 17-24 which locate in another branch, select h 3 as central node
to form a new cobweb network. Stipulate that the logical layer of new cobweb
network is layer 2. h 2 and h 3 send the routing table to BS by selecting h 1 as relay.
β = s
η l , s is the characterization value of physical signal strength, l is the
layer number of subnet to which information sources belong, η is the successful
probability of communication between different nodes. η can be got by practical
statistical values. The higher of η , the higher of reliability of communication
between layers; contrary, the lower of the reliability.
4) h 2 and h 3 send a broadcast again, assuming that node 25-36 receive the
broadcast from h 2 , repeat step 3), select central node h 4 and h 5 to form new
cobweb network respectively in different branches. There are no nodes without
logical ID response to broadcast from h 3 and get an empty response, then stop
5) h 4 and h 5 send a broadcast, repeat step 3), there are not nodes without
logical ID response to broadcast from h 4 and h 5 , get empty response, stop net-
working. We stipulate that the cobweb logical layer which h 4 and h 5 locate is
layer 3. h 4 and h 5 send the route table to BS by selecting h 2 , h 1 as relays. So
far the initialization is completed.
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