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ξ + ( x,t )
| x =0 =g 0 ( ξ (0 ,t ))
ξ ( x,t )
| x = L =g L ( ξ + ( L,t ))
where ξ + ( x )= 2 ( v 0 ( x )+ a 0 ( x )
a 0 ( x )
p ( α ) ), ξ 0
( x )= 2 ( v 0 ( x )
0 p ( α ) ),
g 0 ( u )andg L ( u ) are continuously differentiable functions of u in a neighborhood
of 0
R , and the initial functions ξ + ( x )and ξ 0
( x ) also satisfy the corresponding
boundary compatibility conditions.
2.3 Stability Analysis
Theorem 1. Consider the Saint-Venant equations (5) with initial conditions (6)
satisfying the boundary compatibility conditions and the boundary conditions
selected as
ξ + ( x,t )
| x =0 = m 0 ξ (0 ,t ) ,
ξ ( x,t )
| x = L = m 1 ξ + ( L,t ) .
Suppose that
m 0 m 1 |
< 1
( a 0 ( x ), v 0 ( x ))
Then if
|| 1 is suciently small, there exists a unique continuously
differentiable solution ( a ( x,t ), v ( x,t )) T on ( x,t )
[0 ,L ]
[0 , +
) to the problem
that is defined for all positive t and satisfies the estimate
1 <Ce −αt ( a 0 ( x ) ,v 0 ( x )) 1
( a (
,t ) ,v (
,t ))
where C> 0and α> 0.
Proof: This Theorem is a generalized result of Theorem 2 in [12].
According to Theorem 1, we can develop the boundary control laws for the
trapezoidal canal as follows.
Conclusion 1. If the boundary conditions are designed by the following bound-
ary conditions
1+ m 0
Ab ( A ) a (0 ,t ) ,
V (0 ,t )= V
m 0
Ab ( A ) a ( L,t ) ,
V ( L,t )= V + 1+ m 1
m 1
m 0 m 1 |
< 1 ,
the result of Theorem 1 still holds.
3 Modelling and Control of Multi-reach Open Channels
3.1 Modelling
The aim of this section is to generalize the idea of the boundary control of a
single canal to the open-channel networks made up of multireaches in cascade.
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