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Fig. 1. Load torque curve fitting by a period
U 2 = υ =[ υ 1 ···
υ γ ] T
n :c i
υ i
d i ,i =1 ,
(7 b )
where E i is the vector with gamma dimenions, b i , c i and d i are real numbers.
Assume that U = U 1
U 2 , obviously, U is a compact convex subset satisfying
U , then the boundary measur-
able function u is called admissible control within the interval [0 ,T ]. Let
n . Given interval t
[0 ,T ], if u ( t )
is a
collection of admissible control. For each control variable u
u )be
the corresponding vector-valued functions, which is absolutely continuous and
satisfies the differential equation (3) in [0 ,T ]. Obviously, this function is also
a dynamic system (3) satisfying the initial conditions (6) corresponding to the
,let x (
state solution, so the optimal control problem can be expressed as follows:
Problem 1. Given the system (1), find a control u
such that the cost
g 0 ( u )= T
x 1 ( t )) 2 +( x 2 ( t )
x 2 ( t )) 2 ] dt
[( x 1 ( t )
is minimized subject to the following inequality constraints:
x 1
x 2
where x 1 ( t )and x 2 ( t ) are the targets of the state variable x 1 , x 2 .
3 Solution Algorithm
This paper will use parameterization to solve optimal control problem with in-
equality constraints. The method is to set up state variable of system dynamic
model as piecewise constant functions with respect to time. The time interval
[0 ,T ] is divided into some sub-interval, and each constant control to instantly
switch at split point. In order to achieve optimal control of dynamic systems,
many numerical optimization methods are used to solve these control parame-
ters. In [7] and [14], the convergence of parametic approach is proved. We use
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