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4. Mutation. According to the mutation probability, select certain individuals
and randomly change the permutation vectors x and y .
5. 2 -opt Exchange. For permutation vectors x and y in each individual, exchange
the order of any two elements until no improvement can be found. Note that there
are many other available local search methods, see [21], [22].
5Num lExp imen s
In this section, we test the effectiveness of the proposed 2-approximation algo-
rithm (2-APP) and HGA on different test instances. Numerical experiments are
implemented in Java and run on Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5410.
The test instances are generated as follows: first, we randomly generate n
points ( x 1 ,
,x n ) for the plants and another n points ( y 1 ,
,y n )forprod-
ucts; then the link cost is defined by the p -norm, i.e., d i,j =
x i
y j p ,where
p =1 , 2 , +
. Other parameters are chosen as: population size = 20, mutation
possibility = 0 . 05, crossover possibility = 0 . 1 and if no improvement is made
in two consecutive iterations, then stop HGA. Value of RP is used as a lower
bound for the original problem and we define the Relative Error ( RE )of(
RE (%) = Value of
Value of RP
Value of RP
100% .
Table 1 reports the relative error ( RE (%)) and CPU runtime ( T ( s )) of 2-APP,
HGA and CPLEX solver for 10 randomly generated test instances. In this test,
we set n = 150, p = 2. To compare the solution quality for given time limit,
we set the time limit of CPLEX solver to 600 seconds. From Table 1, 2-App
provides high quality solutions for the test instances and HGA further improves
the solution quality by 1%
3%; however, even given 600 second, CPLEX solver
can't find solution within relative error less than 40%.
Tabl e 1. Performance of 2-APP, HGA and CPLEX when n = 150 ,p =2
No. RE (%) T ( s ) RE (%) T ( s ) RE (%) T ( s )
4.86 0.09
2.41 4.89
109 600
2.43 0.06
1.59 4.81
70.8 600
1.98 0.06
0.99 4.84
52.1 600
4.40 0.05
3.14 4.84
49.1 600
5.13 0.06
2.46 4.81
75.9 600
4.30 0.08
2.81 4.84
60.8 600
5.27 0.06
2.63 4.81
64.0 600
3.33 0.09
1.94 4.80
58.3 600
1.52 0.11
0.51 4.86
65.2 600
4.30 0.06
2.48 4.82
534 600
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