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In EOCA, Dipole Partition (DP) reduces the effect from noisy clusters with low
similarity. Then through the Relative Dissimilarity Measure-based Hierarchical
Clustering (RDM-HC), the effect of the unmerged clusters is considered [9]. Fi-
nally, in the Discriminating via Enhanced Consistent Criterion (DECC) process,
the effect of nearest neighbor in OCA is reduced. DP, RDM and ECC criteria
are referred to [4].
Then with c and V 0 from EOCA, execute the FCM clustering, the clustering
centers and the fuzzy partition matrix V and the fuzzy partition matrix U are
gained. Followingly, by LSE, the muti-dimension fuzzy sets of clustering result
are fitted into the triangle membership functions. Thus the initial parameters of
Mamdani rules are formed.
3 Semantic Parameters Optimizing via (1+1) ES
In (1+1) Evolution Strategy (ES) [10], each rule is expressed as the gene and
denoted as C =( a 1 ,b 1 ,c 1 ) ... ( a p ,b p ,c p )( a p +1 ,b p +1 ,c p +1 ), where a i ,b i ,c i denotes
the left boundary point, the center and the right margin, respectively, i =
1 , 2 ,...,p + 1 is the dimension of samples. Additionally, the fitness function con-
sists of two parts: the Covering Criterion (CC) and the Genetic Niching Principle
CC judge the satisfying degree of samples and includes three criteria: Average
Activation (AA), Average Covering Ratio of Satisfying Samples (ACRSS) and
Covering Ratio of Dissatisfying Samples (CRDS).
[Definition] Satisfying (Dissatisfying) samples
Given the rule R i , z k is called as the satisfying sample iff it is satisfies:
A i ( X k )=
( A i ( x 1 ) ,...,A i ( x p )) > 0
B i ( y k ) > 0
where A i is the membership of premises;
is the fuzzy inference operator and
set product or minimum; B i is the fuzzy sets of consequences; X k =( x 1 ,...,x p )
is the input of z k ; y k is the output of z k .
In the same way, z k is called the dissatisfying sample if B i ( y k ) = 0 is satisfied
in the formula (4).
Average Activation (AA)
The Average Activation (AA) is defined as follows:
l =1
R i ( z l )
Ψ Z N ( R i )=
where R i ( z l ) is the activating degree of z l by R i .
Average Covering Ratio of Satisfying Samples (ACRSS)
The Average Covering Ratio of Satisfying Samples (ACRSS) is defined as
G ω ( R i )=
z l ∈Z ω ( R i )
R i ( z l )
n ω ( R i )
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