Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Click on the new terrain GameObject in the Hierarchy view, set its position to
-250, 0, -250 . This will place the terrain in the 3D world at a convenient
location that results in the middle of the terrain at the world origin, which is
convenient for development.
5. Clicking on the new terrain, observe the seven unique radio buttons on the
terrain component in the inspector tab as shown in the following screenshot:
6. The first one from left-hand side will raise or lower terrain depending on if
Shift or Ctrl are held down while clicking and moving the mouse. Zoom out in
the scene view; select one of the many interesting brushes; and try creating
some mountains. Note the effect that brush size and opacity has on the de-
formations to the terrain.
7. The second button allows you to paint to a certain height. This is good for
fine control of elevation in a terrain mesh if you want to build very specific
configurations of plateaus.
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