Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
4. We also keep a Texture variable to store the icon that will be displayed in
the inventory for this GameObject as follows:
public Texture tex;
5. The HandleInteraction() method of this class works on the interactive
object that this script is attached to. To begin, we get the InventoryMgr
component off the player if it can be found. Don't worry that we haven't cre-
ated the InventoryMgr yet; we will!
if (player)
iMgr =
6. As we extend the number of interaction types that our game supports, this
method will grow. For now, if PutIninventory is the type, we will delegate
i=InventoryMgr to add this InteractiveObj to its collection as follows:
if (interaction ==
if (iMgr)
Congratulations! You have implemented an ObjectInteraction class that oper-
ates on the InteractiveObj class. Let's continue by implementing the Invent-
oryItem class.
Implementing the InventoryItem script
The InventoryItem class is the base item container that the InventoryMgr col-
lection is built from. It contains a reference to GameObject that has been inserted in
the inventory (via the ObjectInteraction class). It also has a copy of the texture
to display in the inventory as well as the number of objects that a particular Invent-
oryItem represents, as shown in the following code:
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