Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
13. Congratulations! The initial setup for _level3 is now complete. Let's turn
our attention to updating the SetupMissionThree() script. To begin, loc-
ate this script instance attached to the setupLevel3 object. As with the pre-
vious two examples, this script is responsible for connecting the missing ref-
erences between pop ups that have global persistence and the GameObjects
that they refer to inside of specific level scene files—inside _level3 in this
14. At the beginning of Start() , we search for the Player GameObject
(named either Player or Player1 ). If it is found, we store a reference to the
PlayerData component for later use:
playerData pd = null;
GameObject go = GameObject.Find
if (go == null)
go = GameObject.Find ("Player");
if (go != null)
pd = go.GetComponent<playerData>();
15. Still in the start method, in the block where five random cards are chosen,
we check for the presence of the PlayerData component on the player. If
there is no data, it means we are playing this mission in standalone mode,
and so we should use five randomly chosen indices. If, however, Player-
Data has information contained therein, it means that we should use those
indices to populate our world to ensure the flag choices are consistent with
the previous level:
if (pd != null)
index = pd.flagChoices[k];
Congratulations! Mission 3 has been updated now to use the flag choices that were
randomly chosen in LEVEL1 and reused in LEVEL2 . With that, your e-learning game
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