Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
6. In Level3Init , we first try to find a reference to a GameObject named
MainCamera :
GameObject go = GameObject.Find
7. If the MainCamera GameObject can be found, we try to cache a reference
to the PopupMgr script component attached to it:
if (go)
PopupMgr ppm =
8. If the PopupMgr script can be found, we set the initial state of the UI
pop ups for level 3. As before, we use SetActive(false) to suspend
the Update() loop of some scripts and SetActive(true) to enable
others. Namely, we deactivate popup_Level3Finish and
popup_Level3Restart . We then activate popup_Level3Start so that
the level starts with the relevant UI displayed. Note that at this point, the cam-
era is looking up from popup_Level2Finish :
if (ppm)
ppm.Level3Finish.SetActive (false);
9. Next, we try to cache a reference to PopupButtonScript , which is at-
tached to button1 child of popup_Level3Start . We use trans-
form.FindChild() to search for an object in a hierarchy by name. Once
we find it, we can get the component for PopupButtonScript itself using
GetComponent() :
PopupButtonScript pbs =
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