Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
11. If a suitable player object is found, the code sets the initial position and the
orientation for the player. This is so that when level 2 starts, the player begins
at the starting line of the race:
if (playerObj != null)
playerObj.transform.position =
new Vector3(-110.0f, 3.0f, 166.0f);
new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
12. In the Update() method of Level2Init , the class attempts to find the
MainCamera GameObject. If it can be found, the PopupMgr script compon-
ent is stored:
GameObject camObj = GameObject.Find
if (camObj)
PopupMgr ppm =
13. If an instance of the PopupMgr script can be found on this GameObject,
we activate popup_Level2Start and deactivate popup_Level2Finish
and popup_Level2Repeat . By setting these objects to active, we tell Unity
that these scripts should be allowed to call their internal Update() methods.
Conversely, when setting SetActive(false) , we can tell Unity to suspend
scripts as needed:
// set up the level2 popups initial state
ppm.Level2Repeat.SetActive (false);
14. Then we store a reference to the PopupMgrScript on the
popup_Level2Start GameObject for later use:
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