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Modifying the quiz cards
The QuizCard pop-up window Prefab is the class that permits user interaction with
an NPC; upon selecting the button corresponding to the correct response, the Cor-
rectResponse window pop up will be instantiated.
1. Copy and paste a QuizCard Prefab from Chapter7 into a new folder in
Chapter9 . Name the new folder NpcQuestions .
2. Implement 50 unique NPC Dialog cards based on this Prefab, which in turn is
based on the trivia content embedded in the Flag pop ups from LEVEL1 ; they
will form the basis for the dialog in this mission.
3. Keep the associations to the popup_QuizFailedQuestion Prefab for the
incorrect answers on these cards. For the correct selection, instantiate a
unique and appropriate CorrectResponse Prefab.
4. Each QuizCard should have a unique CorrectResponse card. In this way,
the player can see a contextually relevant response from you as you reply to
the player. This gives an excellent opportunity to reinforce the learning mater-
ial because it gives you a way to rephrase, restate, and reinforce the facts.
5. Make sure that each CorrectResponse card has an action to add points
for every correct button click. Not only is this required for the mission to have
an end condition, but this is also another way in which we reward the player
for performing correctly. Remember, we can build a positive response in the
learner with simple positive reinforcement with points and a dialog that fur-
thers the story.
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