Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating the structure for mission three
To begin, use LEVEL2 as a basis for developing LEVEL3 by performing the following
1. Copy and paste TESTBED2 , and rename the copy TESTBED3 .
2. Make sure that the _global GameObject from the original stays in the copy
and that it is positioned at ( 0 , 0 , 0 ).
3. Rename the _level2 GameObject _level3 .
4. Under _global , ensure that the player (named Player1 ), camera (named
MainCamera ), and Game (named Game ) child objects can be found. Also,
make sure that a GameObject of type GuiTexture named score is present.
5. Under _level3 , we will add the following level three-specific objects:
Directional Light
Modifying the terrain
It is not necessary to modify the terrain from LEVEL2 to LEVEL3 , but feel free to do
so if you wish to add variety. The only constraint is that NpcLocators that you place
need to be above the ground as before. This is because the NPCs precisely follow
the path formed by the locators.
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