Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
12. Click on the Zombie Running animation, which is a child asset of the Zom-
bie model, and duplicate it such that a new copy appears in the Project win-
dow. Rename this copy Run .
13. Click on this animation and make sure to check the Loop Pose checkbox so
that the animation runs in cycles.
14. Drag-and-drop the Run animation into the Animator tab. You should now
have two animations in your FSM, with the default animation still as Idle ; if
you run the game, Justin should still just be idle. To make him switch anim-
ations, we need to do the following:
1. Add some transitions to the Run animation from the Idle animation
and vice versa.
2. Trigger the transitions from a script.
15. You will want to switch from the Idle to the Run animation when the player's
speed (as determined from the script) is greater than a small number (let's
say 0.1 f). Since the variable for speed only lives in the script, we will need a
way for the script to communicate with the animation, and we will do this with
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