Game Development Reference
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6. When entering the patrol state, we set the head of the SplineMgr class to
the NPC GameObject. This permits the SplineMgr class to attach the NPC
to the curve and update its position each frame. We also set the playback
mode on the SplineMgr class to loop so that when the NPC reaches the
end of the curve, it will loop back to the start; other modes exhibit different
playback behavior along the curve:
path.HeadObj = this.gameObject;
7. When entering the turnToPlayer state, we set the playback mode of the
SplineMgr class to none. This has the effect of stopping the velocity of the
NPC model:
8. The npcScript class implements an Update() method, (which all classes
that inherit from MonoBehavior need to implement), which has four logical
segments that are computed for each frame.
9. First, the distance from the player and the NPC is calculated. This quantity is
stored for later processing:
if (player)
Vector3 v = h.transform.position -
distanceToHero = v.magnitude;
10. A switch statement permits specialization of the code that the NPC needs
to perform for each frame. In the patrol state, the NPC looks at the point
in front of itself; this is a quantity that the SplineMgr class conveniently re-
turns for us by evaluating the spline at a point slightly further ahead on the
curve than the HeadObj itself:
11. While in the turnToPlayer state, the NPC looks at the player position:
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