Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
18. We add two public Texture references in this script. This allows the pro-
grammer to associate an On and Off texture for the button. When the mouse
is over the button, the On texture will be displayed. When the mouse is not
over the button, the Off texture will be shown:
Public Texture On;
Public Texture Off;
19. We keep references to the object named Game in the scene. We also keep a
reference to the gameManager script attached to this. These are cached in
the start method.
20. In the Update() loop of the button GameObject, we compare prevTick-
ButtonState with ButtonState :
PrevTickButtonState = ButtonState;
21. In the OnMouseDown() method of this GameObject (mouse down on the
button), we call the Dispatch() method, which iterates through all of the
buttonResponses in the action list.
22. The Dispatch() method is where the brunt of the work for the button oc-
curs. It loops over all of the actions in the action array (from 0 to Count ):
for (int i= 0; I < actions.Count; i++)
popupResponse r = actions[i];
23. A switch statement is used to selectively update the logic of the button
based on the type of action in the actions array in each slot. Each potential
popupAction has its own implementation in this block:
// each case() implements a different
24. The case for LoadLevel 1 , LoadLevel 2 , or LoadLevel 3 will use
the GameMgr component reference, and set the GameState in the GameMgr
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