Game Development Reference
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7. Move the game object to -1.8 , 0.9 , 1.2 and scale down the font size to 15
to place and scale the text appropriately.
8. Let's create a button object to use the three interactive elements on the
menu. To start, create a plane, rotate it by -90 in the x plane, parent it to the
MainMenu plane, and set its local position to 0 , 0.1 , 0.2 .
9. Set the scale of this new object to 0.3 , 0.1 , 0.2 . Rename it to Button1 to
make the object hierarchy more clear.
10. Create a 3DText object, attach it to the button, and set the font size to 68 .
Set the text field to New .
11. The first button will be for the new action. To handle this, we will need to write
a script. Create a new script called popupButtonScript.cs . Attach an in-
stance of this script to Button1 (the new button).
12. Inside this script, we will create a public enumeration that specifies all of
the actions that can occur when the button is pressed. Loading levels one
through three, showing and hiding GameObjects, instantiating a Prefab, self-
destructing, and quitting the application will be the first actions our button
public enum popUpAction {
Invalid = -1, //used to encode error
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