Game Development Reference
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vious time the Update() loop ran. By checking each frame if the
GameState has changed, we can detect when to load a new level as shown
in the following code:
public eGameState gameState;
private eGameState _prevGameState;
While we don't want the user to be able to set prevGameState ever from
the inspector, we allow the GameState to be adjusted by the user for debug-
ging purposes.
7. In the Start() method of this class, we initialize GameState and pre-
vGameState to the same value as shown in the following code. With an
initial value of eGS_MainMenu , this corresponds to the main menu scene
(which is the one we will default to when we load the MAIN scene). How con-
venient! Note that since both the previous and current GameStates are the
same, GameMgr will not try and load a new scene file right away:
GameState = eGameState.eGS_MainMenu
prevGameState = eGameState.eGS_MainMenu;
8. We create a public method to allow other systems to set the state as shown
in the following code. By ensuring that we always use this function rather
than assigning to state directly, it will allow us to change state to private later
on (once the game is done) without having to change the code elsewhere:
public void SetState(eGameState gs)
GameState = gs;
9. In the Update() loop, the code will check if GameState is not equal
to prevGameState . When this happens, it means that in this frame, the
GameState was changed by another system and that GameMgr should
change levels. To perform the state change, the code will invoke a custom
private method ChangeState() as shown in the following code:
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