Game Development Reference
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Creating the FoundAllTheFlags Prefab
The FoundAllTheFlags Prefab can be created by performing the following steps:
1. Create a new GUITexture object, and name it returnFlagsToMonument .
2. Drag-and-drop an instance of the returnFlagsToMonument Prefab to this
3. Create a new Cube GameObject, and name it FlagReturnTriggerObj .
This object will be an invisible InteractiveObj class that will (on being
picked up by the user), add the final token to the inventory, which will satisfy
the second mission in the level.
4. Scale and position it so that it rests on top of the monument. Give it a large
height, and make it about 15 percent wider and deeper than the monument
itself. Add this object to the FoundAllTheFlags object.
5. Disable the mesh renderer on this object so that we no longer see it.
6. Add MissionToken to this object, give it an ID of 10 . Give it a title
ReturnToBase and an appropriate description, such as Returns Flags
To Base .
7. Add an object interaction script. Set the interaction to AddMissionToken ,
and set the interactionType to Unique .
8. Add an InteractiveObj class, and set the OnCloseEnough script refer-
ence to the ObjectInteractionScipt from this object!
9. Drag this object to the project tab to create a Prefab from it.
Congratulations! Now, when this parent object ( FoundAllTheFlags Prefab) is in-
stantiated, the following will occur:
• The returnFlagsToMonument Prefab will be instantiated. This object will
detach itself from the parent and display the pop-up GUITexture for a few
seconds before destroying itself.
• The FlagReturnTriggerObj Prefab will be instantiated. This invisible ob-
ject will sit at the top of the monument. When the user walks back to the
monument, this will result in a new mission token being collected, which will
activate the second mission and complete the level!
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