Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 2.2
Comparison of X-ray diffraction patterns (Cu K
radiation, =
0.154 nm) of synthetic ACP (bottom), poorly crystalline CDHA
(middle), and well-crystalline HA (top). The intensity values
of the top pattern have been multiplied by a factor of 10,
accounting for a high noise level.
Morphological evidence establishing the extent of ACP in skeletal
tissues of mammals is equally ambiguous. Although some studies [97,
108-112] report a presence of small spheroidal particles atypical of
crystalline material, primarily in actively metabolizing regions, most
TEM studies of bones do not even mention finding such possibly
amorphous structures. Furthermore, during ageing, the amount of
ACP in bones and teeth of mammals decreases while the crystalline
forms of biologically formed ion-substituted CDHA increases during
early stages of formation [3, 11] (see Section 1.4.1 for additional
details on this topic). Since both physical and morphological
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