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When you arrive, you'll see the number of total ideas (2,900 at this writing), the latest ideas, and
the most popular ideas on the site (see Figure E.10). To propose your idea, you must first register
with the Ideas site. Enter your preferred username and an email address, and some optional infor-
mation. You'll get a password emailed to you, and then you can both rate other ideas and propose
your own.
Figure E.10
Do you have
a great idea
Submit it
here, and
rate other
ideas, too.
Before submitting an idea, use the search to see if others had the same one. Because the site
promises that “the highest rated ideas will be included in a future version” (emphasis added), it's
better that 500 people declare their preference for a “different WYSIWIG editor” in one spot with a
high rating, instead of having dozens of separate proposals to change editors, with varying ratings.
Once you've registered and received your password, log in to the Ideas site. Now at the bottom of
the main Ideas page, you'll see the Propose an Idea section. Type your one-line summary and then
fill up the edit box with additional information about your idea. Try to think of it from the point of
view of the WordPress people—don't describe only what you want to do, but also describe, as
exactly as you can, what needs to change in the software for you to be able to do it. This not only
makes your idea easier to implement if it's chosen, but you also get more respect—and, therefore,
more support—from the WordPress community, who will appreciate your clear and complete
description. Add some tags at the bottom, and click Submit Idea.
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