Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13.7
GD Press Tools delivers tons of information
to your Administration page.
Update Notifier —WordPress makes it abundantly clear when the core application has been
updated on the Dashboard every time you log in to WordPress. This is a good thing, because
often minor releases come out after a security issue has been found in the wild, and a fix is
ready. What happens, though, if you use a third-party editor, or email your posts into WordPress,
and just don't visit the site every day? Update Notifier can help. This plug-in checks the
WordPress update servers every day and emails you when it's time to update. You're still
responsible for applying the update, but you can't say you weren't notified.
File Monitor —As with Update Notifier, this plug-in keeps an eye on the files in your WordPress
installation, and emails you when one or more files change. This email represents good news
after you've applied some updates, and less than happy news when you haven't made any
changes. Once again, File Monitor just tells you what's changed. You're responsible for deciding
what to do next. The Troubleshooting Note at the end of the chapter should help.
WP Database Backup —You've heard it a million times. If you value your data, back it up regu-
larly. When you're a blogger, your readers depend on having access to your posts. Those who
have linked to your blog posts expect those links to work, too. When you remember that every-
thing in your blog is stored in the database, you'll know to make a point of backing up that data-
base regularly. This tool inserts a Backup page in the Tools menu (see Figure 13.8).
Figure 13.8
Protect your blog with the WP
Database Backup plug-in.
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