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6. Choose whether to display the item's content (or else just the header will display); the author, if
available; and the item's date. Our own opinions here are (a) the content might be overwhelm-
ing; (b) list authors if they're friends or you're a fan, not otherwise; and (c) we like dates for
thingsā€”it helps us maintain our fragile grip on reality and reminds us to meet our writing dead-
lines, too.
7. When you're finished, click Save and then click Close. The RSS widget will appear the next time
you visit your blog.
Just to convince you not to include blog content in the feed, we've done just that in the example
shown in Figure 8.13.
Figure 8.13
makes an
RSS feed
widget really
Although blog post titles sometimes don't give the user enough information to know whether to
click, including content is almost always a case of TMI: Too Much Information.
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