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Saving, Checking Your Spelling, and
Publishing Posts
Saving your work while you're creating a post is something most people are too slow to do.
Publishing posts is something people are generally too quick to do, making mistakes that they
regret later.
It's only natural that you're in a hurry to publish. You should check the spelling and review your
post carefully first, though.
It's also only natural that you'll sometimes spot mistakes only after you publish. So we recommend
that you check the post again after you publish.
Here are the specific steps we recommend for publishing a blog entry:
1. While working in Full-Screen mode, return to Mixed-Screen
mode every 10 minutes or so. Click the Save Draft button to
save a draft. Although WordPress autosaves regularly, it can be
easy to get confused among autosaved versions, some of which
might not have changes in them, and lose work.
We recommend that you do
most of your work in Full-
Screen mode, but sadly, there's
no easy way to save your work
while in Full-Screen mode. To
avoid possibly losing your
work, toggle out of Full-Screen
mode every 10 minutes or so
and save a draft of your work.
2. When you believe you're ready to publish, return to Mixed-
Screen mode to save a draft.
3. Return to Full-Screen mode to check the spelling in your work.
(The spelling checker needs room to display alternatives.) Click
the Toggle Spellchecker button to have the spelling in the docu-
ment checked. Words that the WordPress spelling checker is not
familiar with will be marked by a squiggly red underline. (How can it not recognize “Google”?
We're just asking.)
4. To check WordPress's suggestions for a marked word, click the word. A pull-down menu with
options appears, as shown in Figure 4.6.
5. To replace the marked word with the suggestion, click the suggested word. WordPress replaces
the selected word. To ignore the specific word, choose Ignore Word; to ignore all occurrences of
the same spelling, click Ignore All.
6. Return to Mixed-Screen mode.
7. Save changes.
8. Right-click the Preview Changes button. From the context-sensitive menu that appears, choose
Open Link in New Window.
9. Now you'll work in each of the two windows in turn. Review the preview in the new window.
When you find things you want to change, return to the Add a New Post window and make the
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