Database Reference
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[root@hc1r1m2 local]# ls -ld *hbase*
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 12 Apr 8 18:38 hbase -> hbase-0.90.4
drwxrwxr-x. 8 hadoop hadoop 4096 Apr 8 18:36 hbase-0.90.4
Next, set up the HBase configuration. You'll find the configuration files under /usr/local/hbase/conf, as shown:
[hadoop@hc1r1m2 conf]$ pwd
[hadoop@hc1r1m2 conf]$ ls hbase-site.xml regionservers
You will need to change the contents of the hbase-site.xml file. Specifically, the value of hbase.rootdir needs
to point to the name node on the master server. This allows HBase to store data on HDFS. Also, the distributed flag
( hbase.cluster.distributed ) tells HBase that you are using a cluster.
You also need to specify the HBase master address and port number, as well as the value of the region server
port (i/o server) and the fact that it is on a cluster. Other properties to define are the address of the HBase temporary
directory, details for HBase access to ZooKeeper, and limits for ZooKeeper operation.
To start, you add the properties that follow to the hbase-site.xml file between the configuration open
( <configuration> ) and configuration closing ( </configuration> ) XML tags:
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