Database Reference
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Figure 11-31. SQL-rule results for data-quality report on “supplier” column
These reports check the content and data ranges of tabular data, but what about the actual structure or format of
the data? Regular expressions are the tool for this job.
Reports Based on Regular Expressions
This section uses the date-based regular expression rule that was created previously. I begin the example by creating
a new report in the same manner as I did for the single-column report. In the report's Analyzed Columns section
(Figure 11-32 ), I click the Pattern icon next to the column to be checked—in this case, it is the “paydate” column,
which is a date-based string column. This invokes the Pattern Selector window. There, I navigate to Regex, then to
date, and to “Hive Date DD MM YYYY”, which is the regular expression-based rule that I created earlier. I select that
rule, and click OK. Now, I click the Run icon to populate the report's graphs, as shown in Figure 11-32 .
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