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Version 6 is about 100 MB. I install the software by using the Centos-based Linux hadoop account. Given that
I am logged into the hadoop account, the download file is saved to the Downloads directory, as follows:
[hadoop@hc2nn ~]$ pwd
[hadoop@hc2nn Downloads]$ ls -l hunk-6.1.3-228780-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoop hadoop 105332713 Oct 28 18:19 hunk-6.1.3-228780-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
This is a gzip compressed tar file, so it needs to be unpacked by using the Linux-based gunzip and tar
commands. I use the Linux gunzip command to decompress the .tar.gz file and create a tar archive file. The Linux tar
command then extracts the contents of the tar file to create the Hunk installation directory. In the tar option, x means
extract, v means verbose, and f allows me to specify the tar file to use:
[hadoop@hc2nn Downloads]$ gunzip hunk-6.1.3-228780-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
[hadoop@hc2nn Downloads]$ tar xvf hunk-6.1.3-228780-Linux-x86_64.tar
[hadoop@hc2nn Downloads]$ ls -ld *hunk*
drwxr-xr-x 9 hadoop hadoop 4096 Nov 1 13:35 hunk
The ls -ld Linux command provides a long list of the Hunk installation directory that has just been created.
The l option provides the list while the d option lists the directory details, rather than its contents.
Having created the installation directory, I now move it to a good location, which will be under /usr/local. I need
to use the root account to do this because the hadoop account will not have the required access:
[hadoop@hc2nn Downloads]# su -
[root@ hc2nn Downloads]# mv hunk /usr/local
[root@ hc2nn Downloads]# cd /usr/local
[root@ hc2nn local]# chown -R hadoop:hadoop hunk
[root@ hc2nn local]# exit
[hadoop@ hc2nn Downloads]$ cd /usr/local/hunk
The Linux su command switches the current user to the root account. The Linux mv command moves the Hunk
directory from the hadoop account Downloads directory to the /usr/local/ directory as root. The cd command then
switches to the /usr/local/ directory, and the chmod command changes the ownership and group membership of
the installation to hadoop. The -R switch just means to change ownership recursively so all underlying files and
directories are affected. The exit command then returns the command to the hadoop login, and the final line
changes the directory to the new installation under /usr/local/hunk.
Now that Hunk is installed and in the correct location, I need to configure it so that it will be able to access the
Hadoop cluster and the data that the cluster contains. This involves creating three files—indexes.conf, props.conf, and
transforms.conf—under the following Hunk installation directory:
[hadoop@hc2nn local]$ cd /usr/local/hunk/etc/system/local
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