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To use the Oozie web-based console, it has to be configured. You download and install the file onto
Hadoop. You use wget to download the file:
[hadoop@hc1nn Downloads]$ wget
[hadoop@hc1nn Downloads]$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r--. 1 oozie oozie 6800612 Oct 24 2008
You unpack the file with the Linux unzip command, and then use the Linux ls command to check the unpacked
directory ext-2.2:
[hadoop@hc1nn Downloads]$ unzip
[hadoop@hc1nn Downloads]$ ls -ld ext-2.2
drwxr-xr-x. 9 oozie oozie 4096 Aug 4 2008 ext-2.2
This unzipped package needs to be moved to the /var/lib/oozie directory, which is the location where Oozie will
look for it when it runs. In this example, I move the installation directory using the root account. The commands that
follow show that the Linux su (switch user) command switches to the root account. The Linux cd (change directory)
command moves it to the Downloads directory. The Linux mv (move) command moves the Oozie web console
package to the /var/lib/oozie/ directory:
[hadoophc1nn ~]$ su -
[root@hc1nn ~]$ cd /home/Hadoop/Downloads
[root@hc1nn Downloads]$ mv ext-2.2 /var/lib/oozie/
[root@hc1nn Downloads]$ cd /var/lib/oozie/
[root@hc1nn Downloads]# ls -l /var/lib/oozie
total 8
drwxrwxr-x. 9 oozie oozie 4096 Aug 4 2008 ext-2.2
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oozie oozie 4096 Jul 9 17:44 oozie-db
[root@hc1nn Downloads]# exit
You unpack the Oozie shared library in a temporary directory under /tmp so that you can install it onto HDFS.
This library provides the functionality for tools like Pig, Hive, and Sqoop when used in workflows. There is a version
for YARN and one for Map Reduce V1. For this example, I use the YARN version because that is what my Hadoop V2
CDH4 cluster is using.
[hadoop@hc1nn ~]$ ls -l /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-sharelib*.gz
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 84338242 May 29 07:02 /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-sharelib-mr1.tar.gz
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 84254668 May 29 07:02 /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-sharelib-yarn.tar.gz
You choose the file that you wish to use; my example needs the YARN version. The Linux mkdir command
creates a directory under /tmp, called “ooziesharelib.” The Linux cd command then moves it to that directory. The tar
command extracts the Oozie tarred and gzipped file oozie-sharelib-yarn.tar.gz; the x option means “extract” while the
z option unzips the tar file:
[hadoop@hc1nn ~]$ mkdir /tmp/ooziesharelib
[hadoop@hc1nn ~]$ cd /tmp/ooziesharelib
[hadoop@hc1nn ooziesharelib]$ tar xzf /usr/lib/oozie/oozie-sharelib-yarn.tar.gz
[hadoop@hc1nn ooziesharelib]$ ls -ld *
drwxr-xr-x. 3 oozie oozie 4096 May 29 06:59 share
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