Database Reference
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The run method also sets the input and output paths for the job:
154 FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path(other_args.get(0)));
155 FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(other_args.get(1)));
Finally, line 157 runs the job:
157 JobClient.runJob(conf);
Running the Example 2 Code
To run this second Java example, you copy its file to the file so that the file name matches the Java class.
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ cp
Then, you remove the contents of the wc_classes directory and re-create it to receive the Java build output. Use
the Linux rm command for the Remove with r for “recursive”and f for “force switches.” Use the Linux mkdir command
to re-create the directory:
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ rm -rf wc_classes
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ mkdir wc_classes
You build the WordCount java file by specifying an output directory called wc_classes:
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ javac -classpath $HADOOP_PREFIX/hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar -d wc_classes
Then, you list the contents of the wc_classes directory recursively to ensure that the org.myorg directory structure
exists and contains the newly compiled classes:
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ ls -R wc_classes
WordCount.class WordCount$Map.class WordCount$Map$Counters.class WordCount$Reduce.class
You build these classes into a jar library called wordcount1.jar, so that the resulting jar file can be used for a
Hadoop Map Reduce job run. Use the Linux jar command for this (which operates in a similar manner to tar ) by
using the options C for “create,” v for “verbose,” and f to specify the file to create:
[hadoop@hc1nn wordcount]$ jar -cvf ./wordcount1.jar -C wc_classes.
added manifest
adding: org/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/myorg/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/myorg/WordCount.class(in = 2671) (out= 1289)(deflated 51%)
adding: org/myorg/WordCount$Reduce.class(in = 1611) (out= 648)(deflated 59%)
adding: org/myorg/WordCount$Map$Counters.class(in = 983) (out= 504)(deflated 48%)
adding: org/myorg/WordCount$Map.class(in = 4661) (out= 2217)(deflated 52%)
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