Biology Reference
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(a) Normal skin
(b) Irradiated without protection
(d) MeOH extract of B. perfoliata
(c) OMC
(e) MeOH extract of B. scordioides
(f) MeOH extract of Y. periculosa
(g) Linarin
(h) Linarin acetate
Fig. 17.4. Histology of skin of UVB-irradiated guinea pig treated with photoprotective substances from
Mexican plants, ×20. (a) Normal skin, (b) Irradiated without protection, (c) OMC, (d) MeOH extract of
B. perfoliata , (e) MeOH extract of B. scordioides , (f) MeOH extract of Y. periculosa , (g) Linarin, (h) Linarin
acetate, (i) Verbascoside, (j) Naringenin, (k) Resveratrol,(l) MS. D: dermis, ED: edema, EP: epidermis,
H: hair, HF: hair follicle, SC: stratum corneum, SG: sebaceous gland, SP: spongiosis, VC: vassel congestion.
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