Biology Reference
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Fig. 13.3. Insecticidal activity on Ceratitis capitata . (a) Normal adult, adult individual size, length:
5.5 mm on average; wingspan: 10 mm. (b) Normal adult, detail of the wing, scale: 500 γ m. (c) CH 2 Cl 2
extract at 100 ppm, defective adult. (d) CH 2 Cl 2 extract at 100 ppm, defective adult, detail of the wing
and leg, scale: 500 γ m. (e) 50% EtOH extract at 1000 ppm, defective adult (above) and adult with
incomplete emergence (below). (f) 50% EtOH extract at 1000 ppm, detail of non-unfurled wings, scale:
500 γ m. Photos a, c and e courtesy of Dr Sandra Clemente; photos b, d and f courtesy of Dr Sandra
Clemente and Dr Adriana M. Broussalis. Photos b and f reprinted from Broussalis et al ., 2010, with
permission from Elsevier.
13.5 Mortality at Each Stage
of the Life Cycle of C. capitata
and Overall Mortality
on puparium formation as well as on the
overall mortality. The effect of such extracts
on insect mortality was also recorded as
emergence or non-emergence of the adult
stage. Results are shown in Table 13.1
(Broussalis et al ., 2010).
The effect of the CH 2 Cl 2 and 50% EtOH
extracts at 1000 and 100 ppm were evaluated
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