Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
the concentrate has superior softness and moistness properties due to its high
content of naturally occurring sorbitol and reducing sugars (Sanders 1993).
14.3 Issues to consider when using natural ingredients in
baked goods
Product reformulation is rarely a straightforward process, and when it comes to
replacing chemical-based functional materials with natural alternatives, the task is
even harder. Firstly, the activity of the functional material in question may be
different and is most likely to be lower. Therefore a greater amount of a natural
material would have to be added to achieve the same response during processing
and the quality of the fi nal product. The physical form and the appearance of a
natural alternative may also be important. For example, is the natural material in
the form of a powder that can be easily mixed into a recipe or does the mixing
process need to be modifi ed to achieve the desired dispersion? If the natural
material is strongly coloured it may be a problem when included in a product that
is normally light coloured or white such as white bread. The amount of addition
depends on the concentration of the active component in the natural material. A
high level of activity is more desirable where the material has strong colour so
that it is used in low quantity. A high activity is also desirable if other components
in the natural material have a negative impact on product quality when included
above a threshold amount in a recipe. Another important factor to consider is the
variability of activity from batch to batch. With a natural material there is little
opportunity to standardise activity as with synthetic functional ingredients.
Factors that infl uence the growth of the plant from which the active material is
obtained ultimately dictate the quality and quantity of the active component(s).
The cost of natural alternatives is also an important consideration and this has
to be managed while producing the type of products that the consumer demands.
In some cases the cost may prove to be prohibitive. The supply of natural materials
would also need to be investigated if the demand for a particular material became
high, as well as the geographical location of the product to avoid delays due to
climatic or political circumstances.
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14.4 Future trends
Over the last few years there has been growing awareness by the consumer about
the long list of names of additives that appear on product labels and the impact
this may have on their health when the food is eaten. This is compounded by the
fact that there has been an increase in the number of food allergies and intolerances
being experienced by the population, and as a result, consumers have become
suspicious of the role of chemical additives being used in foods.
There is growing pressure on the food manufacturing industry to either restrict
or preferably to completely remove chemical-based improvers and additives in
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